


This page lists properties and their usage counts available for this wiki. For up-to-date count statistics it is recommended that the property statistics maintenance script is run on a regular basis. For a differentiated view, see the unused or wanted properties special pages.

List of properties

  1. Identify age and use statistics of an ontology and its versions of type Boolean (13 uses)
  2. Identify age and use statistics of an ontology and its versions comments of type Text (12 uses)
  3. Identify frequency of use of ontology language features in an ontology of type Boolean (13 uses)
  4. Identify frequency of use of ontology language features in an ontology comments of type Text (11 uses)
  5. Identify number and ratio of concepts, relations, and subclassing of type Boolean (13 uses)
  6. Identify number and ratio of concepts, relations, and subclassing comments of type Text (11 uses)
  7. Imported from"Imported from" is a predefined property that describes a relation to an <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">imported vocabulary</a> and is provided by <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">Semantic MediaWiki</a>. (4)
  8. InTheScopeOf of type Page (1 use) This property is hardly used within the wiki!
  9. Institutional sponsor of type Text (9 uses)
  10. Integrate ontology with other information system resources of type Boolean (14 uses)
  11. Integrate ontology with other information system resources comments of type Text (10 uses)
  12. Integrate ontology with other ontologies of type Boolean (14 uses)
  13. Integrate ontology with other ontologies comments of type Text (11 uses)
  14. Integrate selected design patterns into an ontology design of type Boolean (13 uses)
  15. Integrate selected design patterns into an ontology design comments of type Text (11 uses)
  16. Is a new page"Is a new page" is a predefined property that indicates whether a subject is new or not and is provided by <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">Semantic MediaWiki</a>. of type Boolean (0 uses)
  17. IsDividedInto + of type Page (0 uses) This property is hardly used within the wiki!
  18. IsSupportedBy + of type Page (0 uses) This property is hardly used within the wiki!
  19. Language code"Language code" is a predefined property that represents a BCP47 formatted language code and is provided by <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">Semantic MediaWiki</a>. (4)
  20. Last editor is"Last editor is" is a predefined property that contains the page name of the user who created the last revision and is provided by <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">Semantic MediaWiki</a>. of type Page (0 uses)
  21. Last version of type Text (6 uses)
  22. License of type Text (8 uses)
  23. Link to the tool of type URL (10 uses)
  24. Location of type Text (2 uses) This property is hardly used within the wiki!
  25. Mailing List of type Text (2 uses) This property is hardly used within the wiki!
  26. Mailing List(s) + of type Text (0 uses) This property is hardly used within the wiki!
  27. Manage lexical naming and annotation of ontology elements of type Boolean (13 uses)
  28. Manage lexical naming and annotation of ontology elements comments of type Text (11 uses)
  29. Management Phase Support + of type Page (0 uses) This property is hardly used within the wiki!
  30. Management Phase Support Explanation of type Text (1 use) This property is hardly used within the wiki!
  31. Mix ontology languages of type Boolean (13 uses)
  32. Mix ontology languages comments of type Text (12 uses)
  33. Modification date"Modification date" is a predefined property that corresponds to the date of the last modification of a subject and is provided by <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">Semantic MediaWiki</a>. of type Date (4,115 uses)
  34. Monitor depth of subclassing consistency across a domain ontology of type Boolean (13 uses)
  35. Monitor depth of subclassing consistency across a domain ontology comments of type Text (12 uses)
  36. Number"Number" is a <a href="/index.php/Special:Types/Number" title="Special:Types/Number">type</a> and predefined property provided by <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">Semantic MediaWiki</a> to represent numeric values. of type Number (0 uses)
  37. OCMember of type Page (1 use) This property is hardly used within the wiki!
  38. OccurrenceStatus of type Text (2 uses) This property is hardly used within the wiki!
  39. OccurrenceType of type Text (2 uses) This property is hardly used within the wiki!
  40. Occurs + of type Text (0 uses) This property is hardly used within the wiki!
  41. Offer application patterns based on current ontology or design context of type Boolean (13 uses)
  42. Offer application patterns based on current ontology or design context comments of type Text (12 uses)
  43. Offer methodology patterns based on current ontology or design context of type Boolean (13 uses)
  44. Offer methodology patterns based on current ontology or design context comments of type Text (12 uses)
  45. Offer ontology language patterns based on current ontology or design context of type Boolean (13 uses)
  46. Offer ontology language patterns based on current ontology or design context comments of type Text (12 uses)
  47. Offer other patterns based on current ontology or design context of type Boolean (13 uses)
  48. Offer other patterns based on current ontology or design context comments of type Text (11 uses)
  49. Optimize query and inference performance of type Boolean (13 uses)
  50. Optimize query and inference performance comments of type Text (12 uses)