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Stu Rodgers

Stu Rodgers is a Managing Director at TiER1 Performance Solutions. Stu leads the public market practices which include government, research, and higher education segments. TiER1’s research is focused on applied research and development in human cognitive performance, cognitive modeling and learning sciences. The team has built innovative advances in the fields of human performance and adult learning and applies these advances in commercial, government, and education programs. The government team is focused on bringing best industry practices and the latest research-based innovations to learning, strategic change, and communications programs across federal and state government clients. In building models of cognitive performance, TiER1 builds and integrates ontologies to support the systems reasoning capabilities. As such, we consider ourselves practioners within ontological design and integration.

Prior to TiER1, Stu served with the U.S. Air Force as a flight instructor, fighter pilot, and experimental test pilot. Stu has more than 3,000 hours of flight time as an aircraft commander and instructor. Stu also served the Air Force in a number of leadership positions in Air Force research and development offices. Stu is an inventor of the patented modeling and prediction technology titled Predictive Performance Optimizer, U.S. Patent number 8,568,145. He has received recognition in modeling and simulation, including the Best Paper Award at the Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation Conference in 2011, Siegel-Wolf Award for Best Applied Research at the International Conference on Cognitive Modeling in 2003, and the U.S. Defense Modeling and Simulation Office’s Award for Outstanding Achievement in Modeling & Simulation in 1998. Since retiring from the Air Force as a Colonel, Stu has participated in research projects focused on human cognitive modeling, cognitive performance tracking and prediction. Stu has authored and presented scientific papers on heuristic search, computational cognitive process models, human performance modeling, and knowledge representation topics. He is a Senior Member of IEEE. Stu has a B.S. in Aeronautical Engineering from the U.S. Air Force Academy, a M.S. in Computer Science from the University of West Florida, and a Management of Technology Certificate from the California Institute of Technology. He is a graduate of the Experimental Test Pilot Course at the U.S. Air Force’s Test Pilot School. Representative publications include the following:

Rodgers, S., Bullard, D., Dickson, B., Herzog, I., Kreischer, N., Lofgren, E., Doyal, J., & Rodabaugh, T. (2014). Synthetic Language Interface Toolkit for Chat (ADB401611). Wright-Patterson AFB, OH: Air Force Research Laboratory. Retrieved from

Warwick, W., Lebiere, C., Jones, R. M., Reitter, D., Rodgers, S., & Douglas, S. A. (2013). General methods for communicating the structure and content of a cognitive model. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (Vol. 57, No. 1, pp. 618-622). SAGE Publications.

Rodgers, S., Myers, C., Ball, J., & Freiman, M. (2012). Toward a situation model in a cognitive architecture. In Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory. Springer.

Rodgers, S., Myers, M., Ball, J., & Freiman, M. (2011). The situation model in the synthetic teammate project. In Proceedings of the Twentieth Conference on Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation. Sundance, UT.

Ball, J., Rodgers, S., & Gluck, K. (2004). Integrating ACT-R and Cyc in a large-scale model of language comprehension for use in intelligent agents. In Papers from the AAAI Workshop (Technical Report WS-04-07). Menlo Park, CA: AAAI Press.