
Ontolog Forum

Herlina Jayadianti (PhD candidate)

Description :

PhD Student (Final year)- Erasmus Mundus Euro Asia Exchange Program(2008-2012) between Department of Electrical engineering and Information Technology Gadjah Mada University Indonesia and Departemento de Sistemas de Informacao - campus Azurem Universidade do Minho Portugal. Student in IAOA First Interdisciplinary Summer School on Ontology Analysis (University Trento - Italy)

Position :

Professor in ontology, semantic web, and logic mathematics

Supervisors :

DR. Lukito edi Nugroho (Department of Electrical engineering and Information Technology - UGM Indonesia)

Prof. DR Paulus Insap Santosa (Department of Electrical engineering and Information Technology - UGM Indonesia)

DR. Wahyu Widayat (Department of Economic Development - UGM Indonesia)

DR. Carlos Sousa Pinto (Departemento de Sistemas de Informacao - UMinho Portugal)

Thesis Interest:

Solving problems of data heterogeneity, Semantic heterogeneity and Data Inequality using ontologies (case study : Ontology of social reality, organizations, institutions, relationships)

Research Interest:

Ontology mapping and Knowledge Integration; Ontology Engineering; Semantic web; Logic Mathematics and FOL; Knowledge management; Artificial Intelligence; Discrete Mathematics