
Ontolog Forum

Robert Goldman

I am a research fellow at SIFT, LLC (, a small business that does contract research in computer science, human factors, and social science. My personal web site, with CV, is at (SSL for this web site, which has just moved, may not be properly configured yet).

Among other things, right now I am working on a project concerning automation support for experiments in synthetic biology. As part of that, I am working on the Protocol Activity Markup Language (with others), an OWL-based proposed standard for representing experimental protocols. To see more about this project, you can have a look at and For better or worse, I am probably the person involved in the project who knows the most about how OWL works, but I still find myself learning a great deal about the language, the relevant tool chain and the pragmatics of using it. I am particularly interested in that, in the limitations of OWL, and what that indicates for future work with ontologies and the semantic web.

Another point of interest is work I have done using AI planning, and a bit of OWL to automatically construct semantically-driven web service compositions, finding and assembling together services based on semantic markup.

I have made some minor contributions to the Ontology of Measurement, and the Owlery semantic server.