
Ontolog Forum

Saul Rosenberg

Saul Rosenberg, Ph.D., is a clinical and forensic psychologist and President of Neuron Valley Networks, Inc., a start-up company which develops Mental Health Clinical Decision Support Systems. Neuron Valley Networks offers web-based services to assist health care providers and organizations with the diagnosis, treatment planning and case management. of patients with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Depression and Substance Abuse Disorders. Neuron Valley also develops Clinical Data Repositories, Knowledge Bases and expert systems for the evidence-based psychological assessment of suicide and violence risk.

Dr. Rosenberg is an Associate Research Psychologist and Associate Clinical Professor in the Dept. of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco. Dr. Rosenberg has been a Principle Investigator and Co-PI of several National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) grants. He has published articles in the leading peer-reviewed journals in psychology and psychiatry. Psychological tests and structured diagnostic interviews co-developed by Dr. Rosenberg have been translated into many languages and are used worldwide, including the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems, the Scales of Psychological Capacities and the Plan Diagnosis Method.
