
Ontolog Forum

Waseem Safi

Waseem finished his studies in Informatics Engineering (Bac+5) at Damascus university (Syria , 2000-2005), and continued his studies with a Master VCIEL Info-Graphics (Master Pro (M2) VCIEL [Visualisation et Conception Infographique En Ligne]) at the university of Lyon2 [France, 2008-2009, By distance learning], and at the same time, a Masters in E-Services at FUNDP university in Namur (Belgium) [Master "By distance learning ", 2 years, 2008-2010]. He finished his third Master (Master Research - Informatics) at the end of September 2010 at Paris_Sud university in France, the training stage of M2Research is in NLP and Information Extraction domain at LIMSI laboratory [1] [Stage Complex Question Answering Systems for French and English language]. The training stage of M2Prof in Lyon2 was in the area of Text and Speech Processing (TTS systems) and Graphical Modeling (Système de phonétisation et modélisation Automatique des langues Arabe, Française, Anglaise), where I have implemented a Multilingual TTS system (Arabic, English, and French), and he made a 2D prototype for the human Face.

Now Waseem is a PhD Student at GREYC laboratory [2], in Caen Basse-Normandie university [3], and ENSICAEN [4], he has a scholarship from GREYC laboratory to start this PhD in June 2013. This PhD is a part of a project that focuses on improving non-visual access to digital documents on touch-screen tablets, based on extraction and reorganization of the structure of texts, documents, and interfaces.