Ontolog Forum
Mission Statement: To improve engagement with, and increase visibility to, people and organizations in the Ontology, Semantic Technology, and partner domains, especially those closest to the current OntologySummit's theme, goals, and objectives.
- Better visibility to, and engagement with, people and organizations
- who are not already participating in the Ontology Summit
- for whom the Ontology Summit is likely to hold interest and value
- who have the potential to become valuable participants and contributor in the Ontology Summit
- Better quality of engagement for Ontology Summit participants, via:
- Timely, relevant information flow via channels with different characteristics than those already used by the Ontology Summit, such as select social media
- Improved mutual awareness, information sharing, and collaborative connections between summit participants
- Attraction of sponsors, such that sponsorships in turn increase interest in the summit and value to the participants, to the field of ontology, and to the range fields engaged by the summit.
Deliverables & Plans
Social Media Presence
- Twitter
- Make @OntologySummit an active and informative account
- Promote use of #ontosum hashtag by community
- Tweets also marked with widely-followed hashtags as appropriate (such as #ontology #semanticweb #linkeddata #bigdata ...)
- Content being broadcasts should include:
- event announcements and reminders, with links to further information
- informative links to posts, coverage elsewhere
- solicitations for input on summit topics
- Google +
- Create Ontology Summit 2014 page
- Invite summit chairs and champions, especially, to make rich but simple posts here, summarizing upcoming events (highlighting featured people and subjects and linking to social media presences and web pages of presenters & their projects, for example)
- Post links to blogs and posts elsewhere about the summit
- Share these broadly and publicly
- Use these also as link targets for announcement tweets.
- Connect to existing semantic tech & related circles. Include these explicitly in shares, even when public.
- Facebook
- Create page
- Auto-post tweets from @OntologySummit (announcements, solicitations)
- All channels:
- Monitor and respond to questions and feedback.
- Identify value of visibility to potential sponsors
- Whenever possible, links should lead to informative and easy to understand pages. In cases for which available landing targets on the operational summit wiki may be too detailed, fine grained, or overwhelming to newcomers, this may mean creating intermediate summary posts on longer-format social media such as Google+ (with links back to operational wiki), until and unless appropriate link-target pages or sections are available (see Website, below)
- Use follow mechanisms, RT/sharing, lists/circles, comment mechanisms, and other available features of each channel to encourage engagement and to make community members and their activities more visible to each other
- Standup PurpleSemanticMediaWiki (PSMW)for Summit and public-facing, newcomer-oriented and visually simplified website
- Website teams should determine how these items can & should be related (e.g., can visual and UX design be applied to the semantic wiki to create a single improved site)?
- Use capabilities to create more navigable, modular, visually appealing user-friendly space for summit
- As possible, embed information & interaction tools such as calendar...
...[More to be filled in here by website team]...
- Sponsorship to be solicited and promoted, including
- Technical support (including infrastructure)
- Awards & Prizes (especially hackathon, but perhaps other?)
- Symposium goodies such as coffee breaks, breakfasts, lunches, etc.
- Allotment of employee time for Summit participation and/or support
- Mission endorsement
- Identify visibility opportunities of value to potential sponsors and offer those benefits as encouragement, such as:
- Website acknowledgement
- Announcement of sponsorship via email and social media
- Inclusion in Sponsors feed via Twitter list
- Visibility on Google+, Facebook (in profiles? Other?)
- Heightened visibility during sponsored event (hackathon, coffee break)
- Invite Sponsors
- Prior sponsors: invite directly
- Last year's sponsor list, for reference: OntologySummit2013#nid3J0J
- New sponsors: invite directly if personal connection
- Solicit via email and social media.
- Prior sponsors: invite directly
Other media
- Organizational Press Releases
- Encourage Summit representatives from Co-organizer institutions that have press or public relations offices to work with those offices to write and disseminate coverage through existing institutional channels
- Encourage Summit representatives from Co-organizers institutions to arrange event announcements, solicitations for participation, or other appropriate content in their organizations' regular announcement channels (newsletters, blogs, etc.)
- Invite journalists whose domains and/or home publications cover technology and/or specific areas related to this year's Summit themes.
- Invitations may focus on events appropriate to the media outlet (some may be most interested in the Symposium, some the Hackathon, some the panel series or Communique.
- Encourage Summit participants to suggest such invitations
Co-champions: AmandaVizedom, ...?
- Website: MarcelaVegetti, SimonSpero
- Social Media: AmandaVizedom, ...?
- MatthewWest