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Ontolog Wiki and File Management Procedures

Ontolog sessions require managing not only the session page on the wiki but also related files (such as slide decks for speakers) as well as the metadata annotations for the wiki and files. This page describes the procedures and conventions for file name and metadata managment. All the procedures aand conventions on this page were developed by PeterYim. Sessions also require processing the chat room conversations and the audio recording (if the session was recorded). The procedures for processing these have been well documented at Ontology Summit 2014 Process. See also the excellent slide presentation by Peter Yim and Christine Kapp.

Session Workspace

The workspace consists of the following:

  1. The wiki page
  2. A directory and subdirectory on the webdav server
  3. A chat-room label

Submission of Slides

A slide deck must be in pdf format. Additional files may be submitted in other formats, such as ppt, pptx or odp.
  • Conversion from the other formats can be done by the production crew, but can be problematic.
Slide numbers
The slides should be numbered consecutively starting with the first slide.
Populate the metadata using the file or document properties.
  • The production crew can do this, if necessary.
Speaker Advice
A quick reference for your speakers is to insist that they read through the page at: ... especially the section labeled 'For the SPEAKERS'

Peer Review

  1. As slides are received, they are uploaded to the wip subdirectory.
  2. The slides are then peer reviewed.

Slide Deck Processing

  1. Rename the filenames to conform to the naming convention, if necessary.
  2. Remove the version designation.
  3. Fill in missing metadata, and modify metadata to be consistent for all presentations in one session and in a series.
  4. Add slide numbers, if necessary.
  5. Convert to pdf format, if necessary.
  6. Copy to the main directory from the wip directory.
  7. Add a link to the session page
  8. Notify the session chair(s) and all speakers so they can do a final review.
  9. The notification also acts as a final reminder.


Metadata for Slides

The name of the file should use this convention: {description}--{author}_{date}{version}.{extension}
  • The description is generally the title of the slide deck. Separate words with hyphens, and separate multiple lines in the title with underscores.
  • The author is written in CamelCase without any hyphens or underscores. Multiple authors are separated by hyphens.
  • The date is written in the format YYYYMMDD.
  • The version is for the wip versions, not for the final version. The versions are "a", "b", etc.
  • For example, Ontolog-Going-Forward_Background-n-Vision--KenBaclawski_20140626a.pdf
Same as in the slide deck.
  • For example, Background and Vision - Thu 2014.06.26
  • Don't include author(s) as they are specified in another metadata property.
Use the format {role}: {name}, {name} ... (where the role is optional)
  • Examples of roles: "Co-chair" or "Chair"
{session title}: {description} - {date}
  • For example, ONTOLOG Going Forward: new ONTOLOG Board of Trustees meets the community - Thu 2014.06.26
Base URL
The URL for the read-only location of the file.
These are specific to the presentation.

Metadata for the Audio Recording

This is for the Audacity metadata.

Artist Name
{name} ({role}), {name}, ...
Track Title
{session title}: {description}
Album Title
{session title}: {description} - {date}
  • Keep the same across all artifacts - slides, audio recording, etc.
  • For a series, keep pattern across the other sessions.
Track Number
  • Use "1" for standalone session.
  • If this is a series, then number the session as ordered in the series.
The year of the session.
The proper format for a copyright is {copyright symbol} {year} {company} All Rights Reserved. {link to detailed license}

Metadata for the Audio Recording Archive

This is for the post-processed mp3 format.

ID3v2 Tags

Track# 1

Disc# 2014

Title: ONTOLOG Going Forward: new ONTOLOG Board of Trustees meets the community

Artist / Album Artist / Orig. Artist ONTOLOG Going Forward: new ONTOLOG Board of Trustees meets the community

Album ONTOLOG Going Forward: new ONTOLOG Board of Trustees meets the community - Thu 2014.06.26

Year 2014

Genre Speech

Comment (cc) 2014 Ontolog, ONTOLOG Board of Trustees, some rigths reserved; ref.

Composer: Ontolog Board of Trustees, Leo Obrst, Amanda Vizedom <--[BoT, organizers and co-chairs]

Publisher: Ontolog, Ontolog Board of Trustees, Ken Baclawski, Christi Kapp, Amanda Vizedom, Leo Obrst <--[list production crew]

Copyright (cc) 2014 Ontolog, ONTOLOG Board of Trustees, some rigths reserved


Encoded Christi Kapp (include affiliation, if this is a donation by that organization)

BPM __ <--[leave blank]

Track Gain __ <--[leave blank]

Album Gain __ <--[leave blank]

ID3v1 Tags

Track# 1

Title ONTOLOG BoT debut - 2014.06.26

Artist ONTOLOG Trustees, participants

Album ONTOLOG Going Forward

Year 2014

Genre Speech

Comment (cc) 2014 ONTOLOG BoT

Forum Posts (Email)

  • To get proper purple numbering in the message archives, use "plain text" and leave a blank line between paragraphs.

New Member Procedures

  • Subscribe the new member to the [ontolog-forum] list
  • subscribe the new member to the [ontolog-invitation] list
  • look the new member up on the web and initialize a namesake wiki page for them
  • include this on the namesake page for details about how to create a login and edit the wiki.
  • write the new member a welcome message
  • in that message, prompt the new member to complete and return the member online profile/survey form too [1]

Board of Trustees Meeting Procedures

Duties of Chair

  • If the next meeting date for the BoT is not yet established, then after checking with the conference bridge steward (currently MichaelGruninger), determine potential dates for the next meeting. You can confirm (via email) with BoT members that they have no constraints, and then keep or modify the date of the next BoT meeting, as necessary.
  • Add the meeting to the Ontolog Forum Google Calendar if it is not already present.
  • Notify (via email) BoT members of the date of the next BoT meeting.
  • Notify (via email) the designated Scribe for the next BoT meeting. Let that person know they will thereby be the Chair for the subsequent BoT meeting. We typically follow the order for designated next Chair and Scribe by the order of the BoT members at, which is ordered alphabetically by first name (or forename) of the BoT member. If the next Scribe cannot assume that role (due to schedule conflict, etc.,) then select the next person in order and request they become the Scribe and thereby the subsequent Chair. If the next person, in turn, cannot become the Scribe, then because we have no established procedure, request (via email) guidance from the other BoT members. In general, if a particular BoT member who is designated to be a Scribe (and then, subsequent Chair) cannot fulfill that duty, then that person becomes the primary candidate for the subsequent Scribe role (and following that, the subsequent Chair). Chairs should always confirm with the designated Scribe that that person can fulfill the Scribe (and subsequent Chair) role.
  • Create new wiki session page for upcoming BoT meeting, using form of By simply typing in a non-existent page such as, a page with that name will be created.
  • Create the requisite desired structure of the session page by copying the structure of an old session page (after logging into the wiki for that page and selecting Edit). Then login to the new page, select Edit, and paste that structure into the edit form. Modify that structure as you see fit. Also update it with new information, confirming that you have no undesired old information and have only desired links.
  • To establish the chat session of the next BoT meeting, designate the chat page to be in this format: You do not have to initialize such a page. By simply designating it and using it, you create that chat page.
  • Update BoT home page ( with a link to the new BoT session page you just created. Place it under "Key Dates to Note". After the BoT session has taken place, notify Scribe to move it to the "What's New" section.
  • Update the Ontolog Forum Google Calendar entry for the event with the link to the session page.
  • Notify (via email) the BoT members of the existence of the new session page, invite them to add to the emerging Agenda.
  • Update the new session page's Agenda as necessary, prior to the next session.
  • Confirm (via email) that some BoT member can capture the audio archive of the coming session (for now, Ken Baclawski is handling the recording, if he is attending). If that person is not known, query (via email) the BoT members about who can do this.
  • Confirm (via email) with other BoT members if you need other services and who can provide such.
  • Prior to the actual BoT session, confirm that you know the adminstrator/host code for the bridge telecon phone call, since as Chair, only you can permit the bridge telecon to take place. If you do not know this code, request it (via email) of the BoT members. Only BoT members should know this number, so please do not promulgate more widely.
  • Notify (via email) BoT members 1-2 weeks in advance about the next BoT meeting. Provide a draft agenda. Remind them to add agenda items they want to discuss; and add themselves to the list of expected attendees, or notify you (and then you add them). Remind them to offer regrets if they cannot attend, and then you add their names to the Regrets.
  • Remind BoT members again 1 (or 2) day(s) prior to the next BoT meeting about that meeting.
  • immediately after the session is adjourned, from the soaphub chatroom "Actions" window, do the following:
    • execute "Get the list of attendees" (by clicking on said link)
    • mailing a copy of the chat-transcript to the [ontolog-trustee] mailing list (by entering "ontolog-trustee[at]" to the "Mail transcript" field and then invoke "send")
    • copy and paste the content of the chat window (i.e. the chat-transcript) and save it locally, for your use in preparing the minutes
  • within a day or two after the session:
    • make sure the audio recording has been posted
    • update the session page with the proceedings of the session
    • update the session page with the "decisions/resolutions" and "action items" from the session
    • when done, make a post to the [ontolog-trustee] mailing list to notify fellow trustees that the proceedings have been captured, remind them of the action items, and instigate other necessary follow-ups.

Duties of the BoT Meeting Scribe

  • Add meeting header to the chat.
  • Add the agenda to the chat.
  • Ensure that all key points are captured in the chat.
  • Add the attendees to the chat.
  • Send a copy of the chat to the Chair.
  • Add the raw chat to the meeting page.
  • Prepare the minutes from the chat.
  • Post the minutes to the meeting page.
  • Post a summary of the meeting to the Ontolog Forum.
  • If agreed, add the next BoT meeting to the Ontolog Forum Google Calendar.

Recording Sessions

  • Anyone at a session who is using Skype can record the session using Skype Call Recorder.
  • After recording the session, the recording should be edited and reduced in size.
    • On Linux, the Audacity tool can be used. See Audacity Source Forge Repository.
    • The recording should at no more than 8kps which is adequate for speech.
    • The metadata should be modified to conform with the conventions above.