Ontolog Forum
Preparation page for the Tue 22-Aug-2006 member Conference Call to explore a theme & program for an upcoming Ontolog-NIST-NCOR collaboration
- Agenda Comments:
- please post any suggested agenda items to the call wiki page and upload any material to be shared to the list, to the wiki or by [[ToolsCollaboration|WebDAV] upload] prior to the meeting
- VNC session (if needed) will be started 5 minutes before the call at: http://vnc2.cim3.net:5800/
- view-only password: "ontolog"
- view-and-control pw: to be supplied during session as needed
- Refer to the community profiles (mission, short/medium term goals, etc.) of the parties involved for shared goals and aspirations
- Ontolog - ConferenceCall_2005_11_10/Ontolog
- NIST (MSID) - ConferenceCall_2005_11_10/NistMsid
- NCOR - ConferenceCall_2005_11_10/Ncor
- NCOR-Ontology Evaluation Committee - http://smi.stanford.edu/projects/cbio/ncor-internal-wiki/index.php/Main_Page#Ontology_Evaluation_Committee
- a successful NIST-Ontolog collaboration and good working relationship from the co-organization of the UpperOntologySummit
- During our Thu 2006.05.25 call: Steve Ray indicated that he might start expanding his involvement at Ontolog from a personal/professional activity, to a work-related activity. Possibility for NIST-Ontolog joint work to be explored. Possibility of participation at the OntologWorkshop_July_2006 was considered. ref: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2006_05_25#nidNLK
- Discussion during our Thu 2006.08.03 call: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2006_08_03#nidOYG
Wed 2006.08.16 11amEDT / 9amPDT - Steve Ray / Peter P. Yim telephone brainstorm
- What: are we talking about a 'project' or an ongoing 'program' (or both)?
- Goals: what do we want to see at the end of this 'project' or 'program'
- Timing: how soon (do we start)? how long?
- Resources:
- manpower -
- expertise -
- funding -
- The Plan:
- Mission:
- Deliverables:
- The Team:
- Timeline / Major Milestones:
- Resources:
- Remarks:
- A draft agenda for our 2006.08.22 planning call - 1 hour max. (note also: Mark Musen can only be there for 30 minutes)
- chair: Steve Ray
- proposed agenda items:
- Discussion of future presentations, clustered under themes
- Ideas on a role for the ontolog forum in collecting and articulating the case for ontologies
- we should leave the meeting with (at least):
- A set of themes that will guide future presentations
- A sense of the group on whether the ontolog forum could play an advocacy role
- Additional Remarks:
- Discussion
- SteveRay's view on new collaborations.
- Successful collaborations build on work already ongoing within host institutions. This minimizes the need to start cold with the issue of how to find funding to pursue work. In this spirit, NIST is prepared to share current ongoing work related to measuring and evaluating ontologies, and the tools we intend to build to help do that. If other ontolog forum members find that our work meshes well with their own (already funded) ongoing work, then we have the ingredients for a fruitful collaboration. Note that this model is not one of finding new funding, but rather that of getting more bang for the buck that is already there.
- SteveRay's view on new collaborations.
- (insert content here)