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- audio archive] ] === *** 1. I've introduced a new idea into the ontology, of 'measurement event', to try to deal with the VIM meta-issue of whether42 KB (5,798 words) - 08:45, 9 January 2016
- [[UoM]] Note, it is not a primary purpose of this ontology to describe the various physical entities in all the possible domains of qu6 KB (995 words) - 05:51, 26 April 2013
- 288 bytes (30 words) - 08:46, 9 January 2016
- == [[SysML]] QUDV Ontology == The input from the [[SysML]] QUDV (Quantities, Units, Dimesions and Values) ontology in OWL2 DL can be found at KB (613 words) - 08:46, 9 January 2016
- ...df UML model derived from VIM], with an [ ...-mail discussion on [ [ uom-ontology-std] ].20 KB (3,009 words) - 08:46, 9 January 2016
- * Quantities and Units of Measure Ontology Standard (QUOMOS) disasters such as the demise of the Mars Climate Observer satellite. An ontology of measurement units and dimensions would have wide utility in many IT stan13 KB (2,036 words) - 08:46, 9 January 2016
- ...rYim''' -- Workplan (draft) - [ [ slide * '''[ [ Audio Recording of the session] ]''' (mp3)16 KB (2,311 words) - 08:45, 9 January 2016
- towards the TC Formation - [ [ slides] ] ...- [ [ slides] ]30 KB (4,476 words) - 08:45, 9 January 2016
- ...oward Mason]] (BAE; ISO)''' - [ [ slides] ] ...f the OASIS QUOMOS TC work] - [ [ slides] ]39 KB (5,798 words) - 08:45, 9 January 2016
- ...ession will be focused on getting the work, up to this point, into a draft standard. Other members of the community interested in tracking the progress of this ...other related material [ here].63 KB (8,493 words) - 08:46, 9 January 2016
- 11 KB (1,563 words) - 08:46, 9 January 2016
Page text matches
- = Quantities and Units of Measure ( <nowiki>[[UoM]]</nowiki>) = ...sed Standard''' project incubation work. <nowiki>The [[UoM]] Ontolog-based Standard Working Group's </nowiki> project homepage is at: '''[[UoM_Ontology_Standar5 KB (665 words) - 05:50, 26 April 2013
- ...led to the formation of the OASIS Quantities and Units of Measure Ontology Standard Technical Committee (QUOMOS TC), which Frank co-chaired (with Steve Ray).<b3 KB (410 words) - 12:14, 3 September 2024
- ...rYim''' -- Workplan (draft) - [ [ slide * '''[ [ Audio Recording of the session] ]''' (mp3)16 KB (2,311 words) - 08:45, 9 January 2016
- towards the TC Formation - [ [ slides] ] ...- [ [ slides] ]30 KB (4,476 words) - 08:45, 9 January 2016
- ...oward Mason]] (BAE; ISO)''' - [ [ slides] ] ...f the OASIS QUOMOS TC work] - [ [ slides] ]39 KB (5,798 words) - 08:45, 9 January 2016
- opening slides] ] ...- [ [ slides] ]37 KB (5,402 words) - 06:29, 9 January 2016
- audio archive] ] === *** 1. I've introduced a new idea into the ontology, of 'measurement event', to try to deal with the VIM meta-issue of whether42 KB (5,798 words) - 08:45, 9 January 2016
- Title: '''"Standardisation Coordination and Ontology Repositories"''' Title: '''"Standardisation Coordination and Ontology Repositories"'''20 KB (2,763 words) - 06:39, 9 January 2016
- ...ession will be focused on getting the work, up to this point, into a draft standard. Other members of the community interested in tracking the progress of this ...other related material [ here].63 KB (8,493 words) - 08:46, 9 January 2016
- = Homepage of the Ontology-based Standards Initiative = ...ndards agenda forward and grounding the arguments for the adoption of the "Ontology-based Standards" approach.11 KB (1,296 words) - 07:48, 9 January 2016
- Topic: '''The Case for a "Quantities and Units of Measure" Ontology Standard''' * '''Mr. RalphHodgson''' (TopQuadrant) - "'''The NASA QUDT Ontology & Handbook'''" with an Introduction by '''Dr. PaulKeller'''* (NASA) ... [ht49 KB (6,663 words) - 18:58, 5 July 2016
- ...Panel Discussion: Towards A Quantities and Units of Measure Ontology-based Standard - Fri 19-Jun-2009 = ...[ opening slides] ]57 KB (8,282 words) - 06:28, 9 January 2016
- = [[OntologySummit2009]]: Toward Ontology-based Standards = === Homepage for the 2009 Ontology Summit ... This summit initiative is co-organized by [[NIST]], [[Ontolog]]21 KB (2,400 words) - 00:17, 3 September 2024
- * 2013_07_25 - "Ontology, Rules, and Logic Programming for Reasoning and Applications ([[RulesReason * 2013_05_23 - Thursday: [[OntologySummit2013|Ontology Summit 2013]]: review and follow-up action planning ("postmortem") session36 KB (4,676 words) - 06:44, 9 January 2016
- = [[OntologySummit2009]] Panel Session - "Toward Ontology-based Standards" - Thu 26-Mar-2009 = == ''Subject'': Toward Ontology-based Standards - A Synthesis ==27 KB (3,519 words) - 06:28, 9 January 2016
- = [[OOR]] Development Session (n.09): "Meta-Ontology for Ontology Categories" - Tue 2013_10_08 = ...ries: Developing a consensus for categorization of ontologies in an (Open) Ontology Repository instance'''48 KB (6,112 words) - 07:42, 9 January 2016
- * 2014_05_15 - Thursday: [[OntologySummit2014|Ontology Summit 2014]]: review and follow-up action planning ("postmortem") session * 2014_04_28 & 29 - Monday & Tuesday: [[OntologySummit2014|Ontology Summit 2014]] Symposium - hosted by [[NCO_NITRD]] at [[NSF]] in Arlington,134 KB (14,419 words) - 07:12, 9 January 2016