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OntologySummit2008: Organizing Committee Conference Call - Thursday 10-Mar-2008

  • This is the 4th conference call of the Ontology Summit 2008 organizing committee. The session is expected to be a ~1 Hour conference call.

Conference Call Details

  • Date: Thursday, March 10, 2008
  • Start Time: 12:30am PDT / 3:30pm EDT / 19:30 UTC
  • Expected Call Duration: ~ 1.0 Hour
  • Dial-in Number:
    • from US: +1-605-475-8590 (South Dakota, USA)
      • Conference ID: "5823120#"
    • Direct call from from Skype: +990008275823120
  • Shared-screen support (VNC session), if applicable, will be started 5 minutes before the call at:
    • view-only password: "ontolog"


  • Expecting:
    • Mark Musen
  • Regrets:

Agenda Ideas

  • review status of "Advisory Committee" nominations and invitations
  • status review and action plans for the online discourse
  • status review on the F2F-workshop planning and preparation
  • preparation status for the 3 upcoming panel sessions - 3/27, 4/3 & 410
  • status review on how we are getting the word out
... (please post your agenda ideas here; identify yourself for follow-up purposes)

Agenda & Proceedings

1. Meeting called to order:

  • review and adopt agenda
  • note that we have a hard stop at 1:30pm PDT / 4:30pm EDT as the Content Committee will be having their weekly call then. Which mean we have to finish this call in 1 hour or less.

2. Roll Call:

3. Status / Discussion of developing issues:

  • Outstanding Issue Update: (from last call)
    • submit last year's communique to Applied Ontologies Journal [attn: Steve] - Steve contacted Michael Grüninger who will be working on it
      • question for Mark: when is the next AOJ issue out; do you have a deadline for the submission (to make it into the next issue)?
    • potential conflicting workshop in Toronto on 2008.04.28~30 (ref. Doug Lenat's input) - Steve responded that there isn't anything we need to worry about
  • Discussions:
  • reveiw status of "Advisory Committee" nominations and invitations
  • status review online discourse
    • we need to step up the level of activities here
    • move the summary pages up ... under the Ontology Summit 2008: "What's New"
    • Michelle to prompt the champions to put out strawman positions and get the various main topic threads going
    • Content Committee will start doing weekly calls starting today, on Mondays, right after this organizing committee call
  • status review on the F2F-workshop planning and preparation
    • Steve: url for the NIST Interoperability Week will be available real soon,
      • and with that to the registration pages for each workshop, including ours.
    • Susan Turnbull will be hosting an Expedition Workshop on the third day of Interoperability Week (i.e. Apr-30) too; we'll try to invite our community to join her on that session as well.
    • Steve: there will be no "plenary session" this year for Interoperability Week
    • Steve to start setting up a preliminary time-table, and a draft agenda - to be out by next Monday
    • Steve: URL for Interoperability Week is now ready, Peter will post to the wiki
    • Steve will post Interoperability Week details to [ontolog-invitation]
    • Steve: will post a draft agenda to the organizing committee for review tomorrow
    • Keynote speaker:
      • candidates: Paul A via Mark G (is this the right setting?);
      • Barry & Steve: ask Leo and Peter to explore this with Mark
  • preparation status for the 3 upcoming panel sessions - 3/27, 4/3 & 410
    • Two sessions planned for "Expectations and Requirements for an Open Ontology Repository" - 3/27 & 4/3
      • Title: "Expectations and Requirements for an Open Ontology Repository"
      • co-chairs: 3/27 - Leo Obrst & Fabian Neuhaus ; 4/3: Leo Obrst & Barry Smith
      • panelists: "Why We Need an Open Ontology Repository"
        • those on 3/27
        • those on 4/3
    • One session planned for "Developing an Ontology of Ontologies" - 4/10
      • Title: "Developing an Ontology of Ontologies"
      • co-chairs: Pat Hayes & ?
      • panelists:
    • Peter to work with the session chairs to develop the event and keep this committee posted
  • status review on how we are getting the word out
    • Steve: will get the NIST public affairs office to continue to help us with getting the word out
      • Steve: will update everyone at the next call

5. New Issues:

6. Any Other Business:

7. Action items:

8. Schedule Next Meeting & Adjourn:

  • Call adjourned at: 1:30 pm PDT


notes taken by: Peter P. Yim / 2008.03.10-1:30pm PDT

All participants, please review and edit to enhance accuracy and granularity of the documented proceedings.