
Conference 2017 02 15: Difference between revisions

Ontolog Forum

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Latest revision as of 13:25, 16 February 2017

Duration 1 hour
Date/Time February 15 2017 17:30 GMT
9:30 PST/12:30 EST
6:30pm CET
Convener KenBaclawski

Ontology Summit 2017 Organizing Committee Meeting

Session Chair: Kenneth Baclawski

Scribe: Todd Schneider

Topic: Organization for OntologySummit2017

Conference Call Details

Use the following: Please note: You may have to download a plugin to use BlueJeans.

The chat room is



1. Reports on speaker recruitment for the various sessions

2. Schedule for the launch next week

3. Publicity for the summit begins today

4. AOB


[12:33] KenBaclawski: Meeting page is:

[12:35] TerryLongstreth: My android won't load bluejeans. even the phone connection needs a passcode.

[12:36] AndreaWesterinen: I seem stuck in "preparing for BlueJeans meeting"

[12:38] KenBaclawski: @Terry: You should be able to use bluejeans just with your browser, without downloading a plugin.

[12:38] ToddSchneider: Need a short set of instructions for using BlueJeans under various scenarios/use cases.

[12:42] AndreaWesterinen: My work location will not allow me to join. I keep getting disconnected.

[12:42] ToddSchneider: The BlueJeans 'help' pages are themselves need to navigated. Perhaps we can cull the appropriate information for the most common conection scenarios.

[12:43] KenBaclawski: @Terry: The passcode is probably the meeting id: 768423137

[12:44] ToddSchneider: Launch is next week, Wednesday 22 February 2017, starting at 12:30 EST. Meeting will consist of ~15 minutes presentations from each of the tracks. The meeting will last 1.5 hours.

[12:45] ToddSchneider: Neither John Sowa nor Mark Musen has responded to speaking requests.

[12:45] TerryLongstreth: @Andrea - you can dialin at 888-240-2560 use passcode from Ken above

[12:46] ToddSchneider: Ken, can you share the Chat screen.

[12:46] gary berg-cross: Session 1, Track A: Automation of Knowledge Extraction and Ontology Learning speakers: Paul Buitelaar "Taxonomy Extraction Evaluation" Estevam Hruschka will speak on work growing out of Never-Ending Language Learning (NELL) and learning from text. Example Toward an architecture for never-ending language learning. In Proceedings of the 24th Conference on Artificial Intelligence(AAAI), 2010. Alessandro Oltramari Evaluation of OntoLearn, a methodology for automatic learning of domain ontologies

[12:47] ToddSchneider: Overview session will be held 1 March 2017.

[12:48] AndreaWesterinen: Finally in, on the phone

[12:48] ToddSchneider: Session 1 still needs a speaker for an overview of its subject.

[12:49] gary berg-cross: Sue Feldman contact info

[12:52] ravisharma: gary please paste it

[12:52] ravisharma: I mean your track url

[12:52] ToddSchneider: Gary's track page URL:

[12:54] gary berg-cross: For the reasoning session Pascal Hitzler is interested per a recent conversation.

[12:54] ToddSchneider: Ram will contact Pascal Hitzler.

[12:54] ravisharma: thanks for the link

[12:55] KenBaclawski: I sent email to Mark Musen and John Sowa, but no responses yet.

[12:55] ToddSchneider: Ken is contacting John Sowa.

[12:57] KenBaclawski: I also contacted Leo Obrst about Chris Welty and he was not encouraging.

[12:58] AndreaWesterinen: I am having a hard time finding speakers for Track B. ML -> ontologies is relatively easy, but ML backed by ontologies is difficult.

[12:58] ToddSchneider: Overview will consist of short presentations by the panelists and then there will discussion, given time. The goal of this session is to set the context for the subsequent sessions.

[13:00] AndreaWesterinen: I can find some people to talk about knowledge coupled with ML, but not ontologies.

[13:00] ravisharma: i want to ask a q

[13:01] AndreaWesterinen: @MikeB Have you had any success?

[13:03] MikeBennett: @Andrea stay tuned. I just delivered a reasoner-friendly version of FIBO but a lot of KR related assertions have been stripped out for operational reasons. It's hard to socialize KR concepts among OWLists and some have openly rejected the use of partitions and upper ontologies.

[13:07] ToddSchneider: Will any of the speakers address issues of knowledge representation (explicitly)?

[13:07] ToddSchneider: Gary, will your track touch on assumptions used in the extraction processes?

[13:08] ravisharma: also KR and Knowledge extraction

[13:09] MarkUnderwood: agree /w Andrea

[13:10] MarkUnderwood: Google Search "Tensorflow" or "Spark" and "ontology" in IEEE or ACM libraries - blah

[13:11] AndreaWesterinen: @Mark Indeed, I have been searching a lot!

[13:11] ravisharma: another Q

[13:11] MarkUnderwood: @Andrea It's a bit maddening

[13:12] ravisharma: i have another Q

[13:13] TerryLongstreth: @Ravi - it might help if you can type your question into the chat

[13:13] AndreaWesterinen: Can I get the email of the person from ScienceDirect?

[13:14] MikeBennett: @Andrea what do you think of my my idea - too broad? Or not?

[13:14] AndreaWesterinen: @Mike I think that we need to refine it a bit ... or find some focus.

[13:14] MikeBennett: OK

[13:16] MikeBennett: Track A: ML => ontologies; Track B ontologies => ML

[13:17] ToddSchneider: Ken, will the BlueJeans (audio) recording capability be available next week?

[13:18] MarkUnderwood: Who is speaking? can we send a welcome bouquet?

[13:18] AndreaWesterinen: @Rebecca Any learning drivers from OBO, EBI, ...?

[13:18] ravisharma: ravi ram and ken were speaking now mike

[13:19] Rebecca Tauber: @Andrea not that I know of, I can ask around tomorrow

[13:19] ToddSchneider: Mark, I think us was John McGrath.

[13:19] KenBaclawski: @Todd: I have been badgering the IT people daily about it, but there is no guarantee that it will be available. There is a way that I can record what is happening on my computer and it may be a way to deal with this temporarily.

[13:19] AndreaWesterinen: @Rebecca Please do!

[13:19] MarkUnderwood: Who's the new voice?

[13:19] MarkUnderwood: John, got it!

[13:19] MarkUnderwood: affiliation?

[13:19] ToddSchneider: Ken, I can also record the audio as a back up.

[13:20] KenBaclawski: @MarkUnderwood: BlueJeans is supposed to show who is speaking, but it isn't always accurate due to delays.

[13:20] MikeBennett: Track B will consider among other things, what an ontology needs to be like in order to be usable for machine learning. Many OWL ontologies are very local and use correspondence semantics not foundational semantics which may or may not limit their applicability for this kind of application.

[13:20] KenBaclawski: @Todd: Thanks, that would be helpful.

[13:20] ToddSchneider: What about the third track? The meeting is approaching its end.

[13:22] MarkUnderwood: @Ken, tnanks

[13:22] ToddSchneider: Ram, have you populated the track's web page?

[13:27] AndreaWesterinen: Would love more suggestions for Track B :-)

[13:31] MarkUnderwood: @Andrea - I work in Infosec where we have some ontologies of sorts, and machine learning is fully deployed, but acts as a decorative adjunct rather than a fully interoperating / cooperating technology. As is common to say these days: SAD.

[13:32] MarkUnderwood: Use hashtags #ontology #machinelearning Also would help to have our participants post to LInkedIn

[13:32] MarkUnderwood: @ontologysummit

[13:33] MarkUnderwood: The live tweet hashtag, as @Ken mentions, is #ontologysummit

[13:34] MarkUnderwood: Reminder from last week: A single slide for publicity

[13:34] MarkUnderwood: For tweet/Facebook/Twitter it's ideal to have the cover Powerpoint page for publicity

[13:35] ToddSchneider: Multiple social media 'feeds' is probably better, as long as the 'facts' are consistent (e.g., dates, times, URLs).

[13:35] MarkUnderwood: Also, use to shorten the URLs for tracking

[13:36] MarkUnderwood: We did this last year, and I those tweets have stayed in rotation

[13:36] MarkUnderwood: *those

[13:37] ravisharma: thanks but let the usual social network not crowd the space with lack of background in ontology, you know what i imply?

[13:37] AndreaWesterinen: Sorry, but have to leave for another meeting.

[13:38] ravisharma: how do you focus - by addressing specific groups on these soc media networks

[13:39] MarkUnderwood: if speaker has a twitter account, that's good to have for tweet sharing / we cite them in the tweet

[13:40] MikeBennett: The single slide with abstract and bio - include speaker Twitter ID if they have one

[13:42] ravisharma: Just to summarize my Qs 1.- clarity on KR, K Extraction and 2. on relationship between knowledge and ontologies 3, relatrionship among AI Learning, reasoning and Ontology and while answers were provided by Ram, Todd, Gary, and others, ken addressed the last one and we are looking forward to Feb 22 session.

[13:43] ravisharma: Bye for now