Ontolog Forum
OntologySummit Theme: Pre-Launch Planning Session - Thu 2016-02-04
Session Chair: MichaelGruninger (IAOA; U of Toronto)
Topic: Pre-Launch Planning Session II for OntologySummit2016
Conference Call Details
- Date: Thursday, 04-02-2016
- Start Time: 9:30am PDT / 12:30pm EDT / 6:30pm CEST / 5:30pm BST / 1630 UTC
- ref: World Clock
- Expected Call Duration: ~1.5 hours
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- Please review our Virtual Session Tips and Ground Rules - see: VirtualSpeakerSessionTips
- RSVP to gruninger@mie.utoronto.ca with your affiliation appreciated, ... or simply just by adding yourself to the "Expected Attendee" list below (if you are a member of the community already.)
- This session, like all other Ontolog events, is open to the public. Information relating to this session is shared on this wiki page.
- Please note that this session may be recorded, and if so, the audio archive is expected to be made available as open content, along with the proceedings of the call to our community membership and the public at-large under our prevailing open IPR policy.
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The OntologySummit is an annual series of events (first started by Ontolog and NIST in 2006) that involves the ontology community and communities related to each year's theme chosen for the summit. The Ontology Summit program is now co-organized by Ontolog, NIST, NCOR, NCBO, IAOA, NCO_NITRD along with the co-sponsorship of other organizations that are supportive of the Summit goals and objectives.
This year's theme is Semantic Integration.
See developing details on the next Summit's homepage at: OntologySummit2016
1. Finalize schedule for Ontology Summit 2016 (i.e. Tracks, sessions, Symposium)
2. Finalize agenda for Launch Session on February 11
3. Status of Track sessions
4. Agenda for Symposium (Judith)
[12:28] MichaelGruninger: Agenda:
[12:28] MichaelGruninger:
1. Finalize schedule for Ontology Summit 2016 (i.e. Tracks, sessions, Symposium)
2. Finalize agenda for Launch Session on February 11
3. Status of Track sessions
4. Agenda for Symposium (Judith)
[12:38] MichaelGruninger: Latest version of the schedule:
[12:38] MichaelGruninger:
- February 11 Launch
- February 18 Overview of Semantic Integration
- February 25 Earth Science
- March 3 Cloud Services
- March 10 Healthcare
- March 17 Engineering
- March 24 Finance
- March 31 Healthcare II
- April 7 Earth Science II
- April 14 Synthesis
- April 21 Finance II
- April 28 Communique
- May 5 Logistics
- May 9,10 Symposium
[12:40] MichaelGruninger: 5. Text for the Summit overview
[12:46] MichaelGruninger: Donna's proposed title:
Framing the Conversation: Ontologies within the Semantic Interoperability Ecosystem
[12:47] Donna Fritzsche: Summit Title: Framing the Conversation: Ontologies within the Semantic Interoperability Ecosystem
[12:47] Donna Fritzsche: Summit Title: Framing the Conversation: Ontologies within the Semantic Interoperability Ecosystem
[12:48] Donna Fritzsche: test
[12:48] TerryLongstreth: In some contexts, interoperability is a problem engendered by the Open World assumption
[12:48] Donna Fritzsche: Summit Title: Framing the Conversation: Ontologies within the Semantic Interoperability Ecosystem
[12:49] Donna Fritzsche1: suggest we use the term Ecosystem because there are many frameworks (as suggested by some of the papers).
The goal of the summit can be to discover the elements that frame the conversation w/respect to ontologies within the Semantic Interoperability Ecosystem: drivers, domain elements, requirements, roles, technologies, quality measures, best practices, etc -- all supported in the communique with examples from the various domains.
[12:50] Donna Fritzsche1: challenges?
[12:50] Donna Fritzsche1: In description outline issue: interoperability vs integration
[12:50] Donna Fritzsche1: Open world problem - issue brought up
[12:52] Donna Fritzsche1: Title? Goals? Communique and In Person Summit
[12:52] Donna Fritzsche1: Text for Write up - Sign off
[12:53] Donna Fritzsche1: Text to describe Ecosystem
[12:53] Donna Fritzsche1: Technical and Philosophical Discussions
[12:54] Gary Berg-Cross: Here is a summary blurb of a prior Summit (2104) as an example: This year's Ontology Summit is an opportunity for building bridges between the Semantic Web, Linked Data, Big Data, and Applied Ontology communities. On the one hand, the Semantic Web, Linked Data, and Big Data communities can bring a wide array of real problems (such as performance and scalability challenges and the variety problem in Big Data) and technologies (automated reasoning tools) that can make use of ontologies. On the other hand, the Applied Ontology community can bring a large body of common reusable content (ontologies) and ontological analysis techniques. Identifying and overcoming ontology engineering bottlenecks is critical for all communities.
OntologySummit2014 will pose and address the primary challenges in these areas of interaction among the different communities. The Summit activities will bring together insights and methods from these different communities, synthesize new insights, and disseminate knowledge across field boundaries.
[12:56] Donna Fritzsche1: Ecosystems, Problem Space, Architectures...
[12:58] Gary Berg-Cross: As context here are the topics of the prior Summits:
- UpperOntologySummit (2006)
- OntologySummit2007- "Ontology, Taxonomy, Folksonomy: Understanding the Distinctions"
- OntologySummit2008- "Toward An Open Ontology Repository"
- OntologySummit2009- "Toward Ontology-based Standards"
- OntologySummit2010- "Creating the Ontologists of the Future"
- OntologySummit2011- "Making the Case for Ontology
- OntologySummit2012- "Ontology for Big Systems
- OntologySummit2013- "Ontology Evaluation Across the Ontology Lifecycle
- OntologySummit2014- "Big Data and Semantic Web Meet Applied Ontology
- OntologySummit2015-Internet of Things: Toward Smart Networked Systems and Societies
[13:01] KenBaclawski: The chat transcript for the meeting on 1-28 is now available at http://ontologforum.org/index.php/ConferenceCall_2016_01_28#Proceedings
[13:06] TerryLongstreth: Not really for todays discussion, but perhaps discussion topics for speakers: What are the boundaries of Interoperability or Integration? Does the Ecosystem include only technologies, or should social/societal/cultural aspects of interoperability/integration be explicitly covered?
[13:09] Gary Berg-Cross: @Terry there is a governance issue to make SI work and one of my speakers will mention this in passing per a call we had today.
[13:12] MikeBennett: schema.org - include in April 21 Retail as Retail Finance (MB to try and get a speaker on that e.g. Mirek Spoel)
[13:12] MikeBennett: Correction Sopek
[13:12] Gary Berg-Cross: SKOS and schema.org may be topics in passing as part of this summit.
[13:12] MikeBennett: SKOS may also be of interest (helping make otologies visible to business audience). Can do something on this in Finance if wanted.
[13:13] Donna Fritzsche1: agreed
[13:13] Donna Fritzsche1: IAOA, Ontolog, NIST
[13:14] TerryLongstreth: @Gary: thanks, but part of the issue to me is that governance implies the boundaries of cultures, societies, languages,... are known.
[13:14] Gary Berg-Cross: Here is a sample of agenda from a prior Summit launch: Participant self-introduction (if size of participants is manageable) (15~30 seconds each)
1. Opening co-chairs - [ slides ]
2. Open floor for ideas on developing and executing the program (All) -- please refer to process above
2.1 Defining the theme and its scope
o the selected theme is: Semantic Web, Big Data, and Applied Ontology
o fine-tuning (wordsmithing) our goals and objectives - ref.
Theme: "Semantic Web, Big Data, and Applied Ontology" This Summit provides a great opportunity for building bridges between the Semantic Web, Big Data, and Applied Ontology communities. We would like to see a number of concrete objectives that we could hopefully achieve. The Big Data and Semantic Web communities can bring a wide array of real problems and technologies (e.g. performance and scalability challenges, automated reasoning tools), while the Applied Ontology community can bring a large body of knowledge and content (i.e. ontologies) and ontological analysis techniques.
Specific issues we can attempt to address, include: * What ontologies are required by the Semantic Web / Big Data applications? ** If these ontologies are not available in any current ontology repository, how can we engage the applied ontology community to develop them? * Of the ontologies that are being widely used within the Semantic Web / Big Data community, what kinds of analysis can be done with them? * How can reasoning tools being developed within the Semantic Web / Big Data community be applied to the ontologies that are being developed by the applied ontology community? * What other semantic technologies can be used to support the ontology lifecycle? ... (building on the results of last year's Summit).
o fine-tuning (wordsmithing) the title and tagline
2.2 Brainstorming on ideas that support the theme - ref. OntologySummit/Suggestions
o Crafting a program that will allow us to make the best out of this next Ontology Summit
o Approach and Execution
o who
o Tracks, Topics, Speakers, Invitees, Survey
Here are some possible tracks:
A. Content and Repositories
what ontologies do we need for Semantic Web and Big Data problems?
what ontologies do we have?
using ontology patterns
B. Reasoning Tools and Techniques
C. Languages, Expressiveness, Tractability
D. Ontological Challenges in Big Data
E. Hackathon
3. A call for volunteers and champions ... and, getting ourselves organized
[13:16] Gary Berg-Cross: Here is the proper Launch from 2014:
Opening and overall vision and structure of this year's OntologySummit (General Co-chairs) - MichaelGruninger & LeoObrst [10 min.]
1. Aspirations for this Summit - remarks from the leadership of our co-organizers [5 min. each]
GeorgeStrawn (NCO_NITRD), RamSriram (NIST), MichaelGruninger (IAOA), MarkMusen (NCBO), BarrySmith (NCOR), PeterYim (ONTOLOG)
2. Introducing the Structure of the Summit Discourse by the track champions [5 min. ea.]
Track A: Common Reusable Semantic Content - Co-Champions: MikeBennett, AndreaWesterinen, GaryBergCross
Track B: Making use of Ontologies: Tools, Services, and Techniques - Co-Champions: ChristophLange, AlanRector, ...
Track C: Overcoming Ontology Engineering Bottlenecks - Co-Champions: KrzysztofJanowicz, PascalHitzler, MatthewWest
Track D: Tackling the Variety Problem in Big Data - Co-Champions: KenBaclawski, ...
3. Introducing additional aspects of the Summit program by their track champions [5 min. ea.]
Track E: Hackathon (and related activities) - Co-Champions: DanBrickley, AnatolyLevenchuk, ... (KenBaclawski)
Track F: Communique and Publications - Lead-Editors: MichaelGruninger & LeoObrst ; Co-champions: ToddSchneider, FrancescaQuattri
Track G: Community Resources (Library, Data Collection, Ontology Repository, etc.) - Co-champions: AmandaVizedom, OliverKutz
4. Introducing the process, logistics and other support the team champions:
Team R: Public Relations (includes Sponsor Relations & Website Development) - Co-champions: ..., MarcelaVegetti, (MatthewWest)
Team M: Program management (includes operations, logistics, production) - Co-champions: Mr. PeterYim, ...
5. Symposium overview and vision from the Symposium Co-chairs - Dr. RamSriram & Professor TimFinin [5 min.]
6. Q & A and open discussion on what the community wants to achieve in this Summit [All: 20~30 min.] -- please refer to process above
7. Conclusion / Follow-up / Announcements - (co-chairs) LeoObrst / MichaelGruninger [3 min.]
[13:17] Donna Fritzsche1: Track Chairs - present overviews
[13:17] Donna Fritzsche1: Send to Ken by Tuesday
[13:18] Donna Fritzsche1: Agenda for Symposium:
[13:18] MichaelGruninger: Hi Judith -- are you on the call?
[13:20] Donna Fritzsche1: Respectfully --- can we really expect any problems to be solved in a half day?
[13:20] Donna Fritzsche1: It would still be a great hands-on experience. just think we need to set expectations.
[13:21] Donna Fritzsche1: Workshop/ added value.
[13:22] Gary Berg-Cross: My Audio is fading in and out so I will try to call back in again.
[13:28] Donna Fritzsche1: Industries to consider for workshop - start generating ideas
[13:29] Donna Fritzsche1: Not for profit, governement research, tech companies, social media, biosciences
[13:31] MichaelGruninger: ConferenceCall_2015_01_15
[13:31] MichaelGruninger: ConferenceCall_2014_01_16
[13:32] Donna Fritzsche1: What are the time lengths for in person summit? From 9 - 4...
[13:33] Mark Underwood: Apologies for late arrival
[13:33] Donna Fritzsche1: Framing the Conversation: Ontologies within the Semantic Interoperability Ecosystem - Summit
[13:34] Donna Fritzsche1: Creating the Solution: Ontologies within the Semantic Interoperability Ecosystem - Symposium
[13:34] Donna Fritzsche1: Creating the Solutions (plural)
[13:35] MichaelGruninger: Hi Mark - are you connecting to the call?
[13:38] Mark Underwood: Skype issues here - Relying on chat for highlights
[13:39] Mark Underwood: It's a wrap I take it?
[13:41] MichaelGruninger: Hi MArk - -yes, we just wrapped up. Are you set for the March 3 session on Cloud Services?
[13:42] Mark Underwood: e: Cloud svcs invitations are out to 2 speakers for the track, but no confirmations; I'll keep trying
[13:42] Mark Underwood: Do we need track overview writeup at this point?
[13:44] Mark Underwood: I'll monitor email, thanks