Ontolog Forum
NASA-Ontolog mini-series on "Ontology in Knowledge Management and Decision Support (OKMDS)" (pre-series Tutorial-01) - Thu 25-Oct-2007
- Title: pre-series OKMDS Tutorial on Virtual Worlds - Sharing Knowledge in Second Life
- Presenters: Ms. Jeanne Holm and Mr. Charles White from NASA/JPL
- Archive: slides & audio recording of the session (mp3)
- Location in Second Life: Explorer Island - http://slurl.com/secondlife/Explorer%20Island/198/208/22
Screenshots: The Explorer Island setting Devery & Jet on stage Our presenters and the audience
Source: NASA/JPL . . . . . . (click on above links to view the full size images)
Conference Call Details
- Date: Thursday, October 25, 2007
- Start Time: 10:30am PDT / 1:30pm EDT / 17:30 UTC
- ref: World Clock
- Expected Call Duration: 1.5~2.0 hours
- Dial-in Number:
- Direct call from from Skype: +990008275823120
- When calling in from a phone, use Conference ID: "5823120#"
- from a US telephone (US): +1-605-475-8590 (South Dakota, USA)
- from Europe, call:
- Belgium 070-35-9989
- France 0826-100-277
- Germany 01805-00-7649
- Ireland 0818-270-034
- Italy 0848-390-175
- Switzerland 0848-560-195
- UK 0870-738-0763
- callers from other countries please dial into either one of the US or European numbers
- Shared-screen support (VNC session) for the slide presentation will be started 5 minutes before the call at: http://vnc2.cim3.net:5800/
- view-only password: "ontolog"
- if you plan to be logging into this shared-screen option (which the speaker may be navigating), and you are not familiar with the process, please try to call in 5 minutes before the start of the session so that we can work out the connection logistics. Help on this will generally not be available once the presentation starts.
- people behind corporate firewalls may have difficulty accessing this. If that is the case, please download the slides below and running them locally. The speaker will prompt you to advance the slides during the talk.
- Please review our Virtual Session Tips and Ground Rules - see: VirtualSpeakerSessionTips
- see below regarding our in-session Q & A process
- RSVP to peter.yim@cim3.com appreciated.
- This session, like all other Ontolog events, is open to the public. Information relating to this session is shared on this wiki page: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2007_10_25
- Please note that this session will be recorded, and the audio archive is expected to be made available as open content to our community membership and the public at-large under our prevailing open IPR policy.
This "Ontology in Knowledge Management and Decision Support (OKMDS)" mini-series is a collaboration between NASA and Ontolog, and is co-organized by a team of individuals from various related communities passionate about creating the opportunity for an inter-community, collaborative exploration of the intersection between Ontology, Knowledge Management and Decision Support, that could eventually lead us toward "Better Decision Making."
The mini-series will span a period of about six months (Nov-2007 to May-2008), during which we will be featuring Talks, Panel Discussions and Online Discourse on pertinent issues. We expect all the talks and panel discussion events to be offered in both 'real world' (augmented conference calls) and 'virtual world' (Second Life) settings.
Refer to details about this mini-series at the OKMDS project homepage at: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OKMDS
Agenda & Proceedings: OKMDS Pre-Series Tutorial-01
- Session Format: this is a virtual session conducted over an augmented conference call.
- Agenda:
- 1. Opening by the Session Chair - Jeanne Holm
- 2. we'll go around with a self-introduction of participants (10~15 minutes) - All - we'll skip this if we have more than 20 participants (in which case, it will be best if members try to update their namesake pages on this wiki prior to the call so that everyone can get to know who's who more easily.)
- 3. Tutorial - Virtual Worlds and Second Life (45~60 min.) - Jeanne Holm and Charles White
- 5. Q & A and Open discussion by all participants (20~30 minutes) - All
- 6. Summary / Conclusion / Follow-up by the Session Chair - Jeanne Holm (~5 minutes)
Title: pre-series OKMDS Tutorial on Virtual Worlds - Sharing Knowledge in Second Life
Abstract (by JeanneHolm)
- The use of Second Life and other immersive worlds for public and educational outreach has proven to be a boon for industry. NASA has created rich, 3D, immersive displays, interactive models, and public interactive forums for discussion of NASA and space-related topics. Visit the Jet Propulsion Laboratory's Explorer Island to become part of the NASA team! How do we take this to the next step? NASA and JPL are also working on secured spaces within such worlds to enhance internal corporate capabilities for virtual engineering, modeling and simulation, and enhancing multi-generational learning and collaboration.
Getting Ready for the Session
Prerequisites and things you might want to find out prior to participating ...
- To create an account (there is no charge)
- Go to http://www.secondlife.com
- Create an account
- Select a name--that's the hard part!
- Download the application (some organizations block usage at work)
- Sign in and choose an avatar (you can always change it later, so just go with a default one to get started)
- You can either explore the orientation area or just ask for help
- Click on the "Search" button at the bottom of the screen
- To find NASA, select the Places tab and enter NASA--you'll see Explorer Island
- To find Jeanne or Charley, select the People tab and search for Devery Barrymore or Jet Burns
- Then, choose the lower right button Add Friend and we'll find you!
About the Presenters
- JeanneHolm ... is the Chief Knowledge Architect at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology. Ms. Holm leads NASA's Knowledge Management Team, which helps to gather, provide access to, and reuse the knowledge gathered over the many missions of the US space agency to support future missions and to help drive innovation. Her projects include the NASA Portal (http://www.nasa.gov), [[InsideNASA]], the NASA Engineering Network (nen.nasa.gov), and many others. Ms. Holm chairs a group for the United Nations in the international aerospace community setting standards for how space missions should manage knowledge in the future. She is on the leadership board for the US Federal Knowledge Management Working Group.
- CharlesWhite ... is a member of the JPL Design Hub. Charles has worked for the Jet Propulsion Laboratory for 14 years and has worked on many exciting projects and programs like the Deep Space Network, the Multimission Ground Systems Office, the Flight Project Support Office, Mars Exploration Office, and several institutional support projects including an all paperless documentation system.
- Our presenters' prepared slides can be accessed by pointing your web browsers to:
- select appropriate format: pdf . or . ppt
- or, from the NASA server at - http://nx.arc.nasa.gov/nxpub/dsweb/Get/Document-38/Sharing%20in%20SL.ppt
- Links to additional relevant resources:
- 'Explorer Island in Second Life at http://www.secondlife.com
- 'Video of NASA's Second Life at http://youtube.com/watch?v=kr3vXuxEPB8
Questions, Answers & Discourse
- Please mute your phone, by pressing "*2" on your phone keypad, when the talk is in progress. To un-mute, press "*3"
- If you want to speak or have questions or remarks to make, please "raise your hand (virtually)" by pressing "11" on your phone keypad. You may speak when acknowledged by the speaker or the session moderator.
- experimental: try using the queue management chat tool
- point a separate browser tab (or window) to http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room and enter: Room="ontolog_20071025" and My Name="Your Own Name" (e.g. "JaneDoe")
- or point your browser to: http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/ontolog_20071025
- instructions: once you got access to the page, click on the "settings" button, and identify yourself (by modifying the Name field). You can indicate that you want to ask a question verbally by clicking on the "hand" button, and wait for the moderator to call on you; or, type and send your question into the chat window at the bottom of the screen.
- For those who have further questions or remarks on the topic, please post them to the [ontolog-forum] so that everyone in the community can benefit from the discourse.
- ... More Questions
Audio Recording of this Session
- To download the audio recording of the session, click here
- the playback of the audio files require the proper setup, and an MP3 compatible player on your computer.
- Conference Date and Time: 25-Oct-2007 10:46am~12:16pm Pacific Standard Time
- Duration of Recording: 1 Hour 19 Minutes
- Recording File Size: 9.0 MB (in mp3 format)
- Telephone Playback
- Prior to the Expiration Date of 25-Nov-2007 0:00 AM PST, one can call-in and hear the telephone playback of the session.
- Playback Dial-in Number: (long distance costs apply)
- US: +1-605-475-8599
- Belgium: +070 35 9990
- France: +0826 100 279
- Germany: +01805 00 7641
- Ireland: +0818 270 036
- Italy: +0848 390 177
- Switzerland: +0848 560 197
- UK: +0870 738 0768
- Skype: +990008271111 (free computer-to-computer call)
- non-Skype callers from other countries can dial into either the US or UK number for the playback (long distance costs apply)
- Conference ID: 5823120#
- Recording Reference Number: 124477#
- suggestions:
- its best that you listen to the session while having the slide presentation opened in front of you. You'll be prompted to advance slides by the speaker.
For the record ...
- Attended:
- Jeanne Holm [SL: Devery Barrymore]
- Charles White [SL: Jet Burns]
- Peter P. Yim
- Ken Baclawski
- Susan Turnbull
- Denise Bedford
- Israel Lederhendler
- Elsa Rhoads (Pension Benefit Guaranty)
- Seth Morgan (NGA / Booz Allen Hamilton)
- Teresa R Bailey (NASA/JPL)
- Ravi Sharma (Vangent)
- Lisa Nelson (GSA)
- Rex Brooks
- Bob Smith
- Terry Janssen
- Giora Hadar (FAA)
- Debby Clark (Navy)
- TrentAdams
- Sue Conger (Univ. of Dallas, Irving, TX)
- Walt Truszkowski (NASA)
- Mattias Wiklund (ICF International)
- Kurt Conrad
- Frank Alvidrez
- Todd Schneider (Raytheon)
- Darlene Meskell (GSA)
- Laura Moore (GSA)
- Tom Skirbunt (GSA)
- Anne Hartzell (GSA)
- Louis Roberts (Boeing)
- Amanda Vizedom
- Scott Chamberlin (FAA)
- Jamie Clark (OASIS)
- Avery Sen (NOAA)
- Leslie Binns (NGA Knowledge Capture, Northrop Grumman)
- Becky Roberts (Catoctin Consulting)
- Andrew Potter
- RenateRoskeShelton
- Mala Mehrotra
- Ross Dahman (Huntleigh)
- Atilla Elci
- Daniel Redmon (Information International Associates)
- Others we were expecting (and who probably had joined us after the roll call):
- DilvanMoreira
- Cameron Ross
- Charles Turnitsa
- Michael Genuardi (NASA)
- Sharron Sample (NASA)
- Bruce Altner (NASA / Indyne)
- John Yanosy (Rockwell Collins)
- Zhanjun Li
- Harold Lehmann (Johns Hopkins)
- Joy McLeod (NGA Knowledge Capture, Northrop Grumman)
- Natalie Wilner (Saint Luke's Health System)
- Udaykumar Marichamy (IBM, India)
- ... to register for participation, please add your name (plus your affiliation, if you aren't already a member of the community) above, or e-mail <peter.yim@cim3.com> so that we can reserve enough resources to support everyone's participation. ...
- Regrets: