
ConferenceCall 2019 08 21: Difference between revisions

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Latest revision as of 04:14, 19 November 2019

Session Planning
Duration 1 hour
Date/Time August 21 2019 16:00 GMT
9:00am PDT/12:00pm EDT
5:00pm BST/6:00pm CEST
Convener Ken Baclawski

Ontology Summit 2020 Planning Session


  • Planning of Summit Sessions
  • The current overall organization is the following:
    • Introductory Series starting with Jans Aasman on September 4 followed by John Sowa on September 11. Need suggestions for subsequent sessions, including panel discussions. This will continue until we feel sufficiently prepared to start planning the main series.
    • Main Series will start in January.
    • Symposium should occur in April or May.
  • Audio Recording

Conference Call Information

  • Date: Wednesday, 21-August-2019
  • Start Time: 9:00am PDT / 12:00pm EDT / 6:00pm CEST / 5:00pm BST / 1600 UTC
  • Expected Call Duration: 1 hour
  • The Video Conference URL is
    • iPhone one-tap :
      • US: +16699006833,,689971575# or +16465588665,,689971575#
    • Telephone:
      • Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 669 900 6833 or +1 646 558 8665
      • Meeting ID: 689 971 575
      • International numbers available:
  • Chat Room



[12:12] RaviSharma: hello everyone - Ravi

[12:15] RaviSharma: Ken said - intro series from now to Jan but with breaks for holidays. then final series on focused subject of 2020 Summit Topic.

[12:17] RaviSharma: Todd and Ken - Jans CEO of Franz will give commercial aspects but need someone with academic perspective

[12:20] RaviSharma: Todd - and Ken - John's perspective and standards perspective will make 4 sub topics related to KG

[12:25] RaviSharma: Todd - Names mentioned were Elisa Kendall, Mike Ushold, Michael Grüninger, McComb (Janet mentioned), Wallace, relating to standards

[12:27] RaviSharma: who academic?

[12:28] Gary: Amit agree to consider presenting. Here is my list of referenced KG work from my July presentation on KGs. I would select some people with these in mind:

  • Gomez-Perez, Jose Manuel, et al. "Enterprise knowledge graph: An introduction." Exploiting linked data and knowledge graphs in large organizations. Springer, Cham, 2017. 1-14.
  • Ehrlinger, Lisa, and Wolfram Wß. "Towards a Definition of Knowledge Graphs." SEMANTiCS (Posters, Demos, SuCCESS) 48 (2016).
  • Auer, Sren, et al. "Towards a knowledge graph for science." Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics. ACM, 2018.
  • Bonatti, Piero Andrea, et al. "Knowledge Graphs: New Directions for Knowledge Representation on the Semantic Web (Dagstuhl Seminar 18371)." Schloss Dagstuhl-Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik, 2019.
  • Krtzsch, Markus, and Veronika Thost. "Ontologies for knowledge graphs: Breaking the rules." International Semantic Web Conference. Springer, Cham, 2016.
  • Paulheim, Heiko. "Knowledge graph refinement: A survey of approaches and evaluation methods." Semantic web 8.3 (2017): 489-508.
  • Gyrard, Amelie, et al. "Personalized Health Knowledge Graph." 20.2814 (201: 29.

[12:28] RaviSharma: Amit Sheth - Ken suggested

[12:30] RaviSharma: Janette Wong - research of Canada Bank with Michael Grüninger

[12:32] RaviSharma: Wong - KG book from Springer

[12:32] Janette Wong: The book is Exploiting Linked Data and Knowledge Graphs in Large Organizations (Springer)

[12:32] janet singer:

Ken Baclawski: I downloaded this book and will be reviewing it.

[12:33] Gary: BTW, my slides on KGs from July are at:

[12:33] Janette Wong: I'm from Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) - introduced to this Summit by Michael Grüninger


  • Part I Knowledge Graph Foundations & Architecture This book addresses the topic of exploiting enterprise-linked data with a particular focus on knowledge construction and accessibility within enterprises. It identifies the gaps between the requirements of enterprise knowledge consumption and standard data consuming technologies by analyzing real-world use cases, and proposes the enterprise knowledge graph to fill such gaps. It provides concrete guidelines for effectively deploying linked-data graphs within and across business organizations. It is divided into three parts, focusing on the key technologies for constructing, understanding and employing knowledge graphs. Part 1 introduces basic background information and technologies, and presents a simple architecture to elucidate the main phases and tasks required during the lifecycle of knowledge graphs. Part 2 focuses on technical aspects; it starts with state-of-the art knowledge-graph construction approaches, and then discusses exploration and exploitation techniques as well as advanced question-answering topics concerning knowledge graphs. Lastly, Part 3 demonstrates examples of successful knowledge graph applications in the media industry, healthcare and cultural heritage, and offers conclusions and future visions.
  • Part II Constructing, Understanding and Consuming Knowledge Graphs
  • Part III Industrial Applications and Successful Stories.

[12:37] RaviSharma: Ken - Jeff Pan from Ontology Summit 2011

[12:41] RaviSharma: send out invitations next step for potential KG speakers from those listed.

[12:42] RaviSharma: Academic: Amit Sheth, Jeff Pan,

[12:48] RaviSharma: Ken - advertise the summit two talks get them publicized IAOA front page etc, notices to vendors Cambridge semantics, ontotext, etc everyone to give a list of where to advertise?

[12:49] ToddSchneider: Have to go.

[12:50] Gary: Candidate demo speaker Peter Haase who has a demo to show "how far we've come in the underlying platforms and technology to be able to create commercially useful knowledge graphs. It o straddles the commercial/research line using Open PHACTS style biomedical knowledge graph being built using SPARQL and api service wrappers.

[12:55] Gary: Have to go...

[12:56] RaviSharma: advertising and speakers

[12:56] RaviSharma: speakers and postings

[12:57] RaviSharma: Ken will do and we will also post invitations.


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