
ConferenceCall 2020 10 21: Difference between revisions

Ontolog Forum

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Latest revision as of 03:45, 27 October 2020

Session Communique Editing
Duration 1 hour
Date/Time October 21 2020 16:00 GMT
9:00am PDT/12:00pm EDT
5:00pm BST/6:00pm CEST
Convener Ken Baclawski

Ontology Summit 2020 Topic:Communiqué Editing


  • The Communiqué for the Ontology Summit 2020: Knowledge Graphs will be presented and the editing process will begin.
  • The first draft of the Communiqué is available for commenting and editing at

Conference Call Information

  • Date: Wednesday, 21-October-2020
  • Start Time: 9:00am PDT / 12:00pm EDT / 6:00pm CEST / 5:00pm BST / 1600 UTC
  • Expected Call Duration: 1 hour
  • The Video Conference URL is
    • iPhone one-tap :
      • +16465588656,,83077436914#,,,,,,0#,,822275# US (New York)
      • +13017158592,,83077436914#,,,,,,0#,,822275# US (Germantown)
    • Telephone:
  • Chat Room:
    • If the chat room is not available, then use the Zoom chat room.




[11:54] DrRaviSharma: hi ken thanks for the Communique draft, just opening now

[11:56] DrRaviSharma: All- the framework whence etc should appear as Logo or small icon in Communique?

[12:06] DrRaviSharma1: we have agreed to search for similar image of tree that are not copyrighted

[12:07] David Eddy: I formally object.. image should be either mobius strip or klein bottle ... no beginning & no end.

[12:08] David Eddy: "reality" folds back onto itself

[12:10] David Eddy: a granite eating fungus/lichen... excellent

[12:11] David Eddy: drop the graphic issue for today... move on

[12:11] David Eddy: logo is needed... but later

[12:12] gary: Draft at

[12:31] KenBaclawski: KG + KGI = KGS

[12:33] DrRaviSharma: It was agreed that KG life cycle will also be distinguished in he communique

[12:33] DrRaviSharma: KGI holds content of KG as does all infrastructure - Ravi's comment

[12:36] DrRaviSharma: Ken- said KGs do not have deep schema!

[12:38] ToddSchneider: The image, Figure 1, 'Architecture of a Knowledge Graph Infrastructure from [58]', does not appear in a downloaded copy of the communique draft.

[12:38] DrRaviSharma: KGI with KG para last sentence is to be brought up.

[12:40] ToddSchneider: Should the forum posts about the definition about the definition of a knowledge graph be made available (as a collection, time ordered) on the communique web site?

[12:42] russell reinsch: Using KGs independent of reasoning: better integration, and the associated provenance, change semantics, and things for governance are included in the graph,

[12:42] russell reinsch: as opposed to being located outside of an rdbms

[12:43] russell reinsch: provenance elements are part of the graph, not located elsewhere

[12:43] russell reinsch: New data introduced with less effort.

[12:44] russell reinsch: Handful of reasons why using them without reasoning or inference

[12:46] DrRaviSharma: Ken - what about Category theiries and situational techniques for KG?

[12:49] DrRaviSharma: we will add Financial- thanks

[12:55] ToddSchneider: Add qualifying sentence to 'Challenges' table to indicate that there is more each of the items listed in 'Problem/Issue' column.

[12:57] DrRaviSharma: we found financial in standards

[12:58] DrRaviSharma: Ram said we can say something about framework in the introduction as background....

[12:58] DrRaviSharma: Gary - great insights especially in Problems and issues areas?

[12:59] DrRaviSharma: Ontologies were not explicitly useful during summit even though their importance was recognized by everyone!

[12:59] DrRaviSharma: Gary mentioned parallel with Data ware houses

[13:00] ToddSchneider: "Lack of use of an ontology as the basis for a knowledge graph limits their usefulness, effectiveness and extensibility."

[13:01] ToddSchneider: Slight modification: "Lack of use of a well crafted ontology as the basis for a knowledge graph limits their usefulness, effectiveness and extensibility."

[13:05] DrRaviSharma: Gary sorry typo

[13:05] DrRaviSharma: next week final draft

[13:10] DrRaviSharma: attempting to copy from zoom chat


[12:08] RussellReinsch : more than one type of graph

[12:08] RussellReinsch : hierarchic type

[12:08] RussellReinsch : everything connected type

[12:09] Ram Sriram : Thanks Russell

[12:10] RussellReinsch : I would like to submit two ideas as substitutes for the tree diagram

[12:10] RussellReinsch : that I can draft for the group to view

[12:13] RussellReinsch : I can read it too

[12:17] RussellReinsch : accessible for users

[12:18] Alex Shkotin : Russell, try

[12:20] RussellReinsch : Thanks A;ex

[12:26] RussellReinsch : because we don't have full access yet

[12:28] RussellReinsch : It was a pipeline but there was something about it that

[12:28] RussellReinsch : was problematic for me

[12:28] Alex Shkotin : Russell, it's better to use

[12:29] Alex Shkotin : you are there :-)

[12:33] RussellReinsch : @ Alex - OK

[12:35] Alex Shkotin : but we have "If the chat room is not available, then use the Zoom chat room." :-)

[12:55] Brand Niemann : Thanks for letting me join. I will check back periodically.

[13:09] Ravi Sharma : Alex, yes it is better to post here rather than loose the thought.

[13:09] Alex Shkotin : :-)


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