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OpenOntologyRepository: OOR Content Workshop-III - Tue 2012_06_26

Continuing from the last (2012.05.29) OOR-Content workshop, this is our 3rd OOR-content workshop, with a focus on bringing together user communities who would be putting ontology contents into OOR instances. We will discuss how best to approach that, and how the OOR design and implementation can best serve their needs. This session will also discuss the coordination of content among various OOR instances.

Topic: OOR Content Workshop-III: "Coordinating the OOR Content Drive"

Session Co-chairs: MichaelGruninger (U of Toronto) & MikeDean (Raytheon-BBN)

... please also refer to proceedings from the last OOR workshop on "contents" at OOR/ConferenceCall_2012_05_29

Conference Call Details

  • Date: Tuesday, 26-Jun-2012
  • Start Time: 8:30am PDT / 11:30am EDT / 5:30pm CEST / 15:30 UTC
  • Expected Call Duration: 1.0~1.5 hours
  • Dial-in:
    • Phone (US): +1 (206) 402-0100 (long distance cost may apply)
      • ... [ backup nbr: (415) 671-4335 ]
    • Skype: joinconference ... generally free-of-charge, when connecting from your computer)
    • when prompted enter PIN: 141184#
  • Shared-screen support (VNC session), if applicable, will be started 5 minutes before the call at:
    • view-only password: "ontolog"
    • if you plan to be logging into this shared-screen option (which the speaker may be navigating), and you are not familiar with the process, please try to call in 5 minutes before the start of the session so that we can work out the connection logistics. Help on this will generally not be available once the presentation starts.
    • people behind corporate firewalls may have difficulty accessing this. If that is the case, please point your browser directly to the [ slides] (where applicable) and running them locally. The speaker(s) will prompt you to advance the slides during the talk.
  • RSVP to appreciated, ... or simply just by adding yourself to the "Expected Attendee" list below (if you are a member of the team.)
  • Please note that this session may be recorded, and if so, the audio archive is expected to be made available as open content, along with the proceedings of the call to our community membership and the public at-large under our prevailing open IPR policy.


  • Expecting:
    • ... if you are coming to the meeting, please add your name above (plus your affiliation, if you aren't already a member of the community) above, or e-mail <> so that we can reserve enough resources to support everyone's participation. ...
  • Regrets:
    • ...

Agenda Ideas

please insert any additional items below (along with your name for follow-up purposes)

  • discussion: who are the content contributors we want to target, in the short and medium term?
  • coordinating specific content contribution cases:
    • Financial industry or other specific domain ontologies
    • SOCoP, Earth Cube and other work on geoscience and spatial ontologies
    • ontologies for open government datasets
    • ontologies for other 'big data' datasets
    • ... etc.
  • discussion on how we can engage content contributor communities and systematically build up the user-base
  • how could we best coordinate code development and content development
  • also, need to fix a date for the "OOR for 'Big Data' session [MikeDean]
  • ...

Agenda & Proceedings


1. Meeting called to order:

2. Roll Call:

3. Key items for review and discussion today:

  • Discussion: who are the content contributors we want to target, in the short and medium term?
  • coordinating specific content contribution cases:
    • Financial industry or other specific domain ontologies
    • SOCoP, Earth Cube and other work on geoscience and spatial ontologies
    • ontologies for open government datasets
    • ontologies for other 'big data' datasets
    • ... etc.
  • discussion on how we can engage content contributor communities and systematically build up the user-base
  • how could we best coordinate code development and content development
  • ===IM Chat Transcript captured during the session===

-- begin in-session chat-transcript --

Peter P. Yim: Welcome to the

OOR Content Workshop-III - Tue 2012_06_26

Topic: OOR Content Workshop-III: "Coordinating the OOR Content Drive"

Session Co-chairs: Michael Grüninger (U of Toronto) & Mike Dean (Raytheon-BBN)

Session page:

Mute control: *7 to un-mute ... *6 to mute

Can't find Skype Dial pad? ... it's under the "Call" dropdown menu as "Show Dial pad"


anonymous morphed into Tom Tinsley

anonymous morphed into Mike Bennett

anonymous morphed into Frank Olken

Michael Grüninger: FIBO ontologies from Mike Bennett will be uploaded to the sandbox instance

Michael Grüninger: at

Mike Bennett: Sign-up process: the 'input text' widget is not working at present.

Peter P. Yim: Mike Dean (or KenBaclawski) will help Mike Bennett with the upload (to the OOR sandbox) where necessary

Michael Grüninger / Mike Dean: good opportunity for paper on interaction of (user-defined) ontology modules

and ontology repositories

Mike Dean: existing research has focused more on algorithms for decomposing ontologies into modules

Mike Dean: e.g.

Mike Dean: could be used for NASA SWEET, etc.

Peter P. Yim: the need for both "ontology modules" as well as "super domain ontologies" (as MITRE calls the latter)

Mike Bennett: Vision for a federation of industry-led ontology standards covering common concepts which

may be federated and referred to in deeper domain ontologies.

Mike Bennett: Taking industry bodies as the appropriate authority for the meanings of terms

Mike Bennett: Meanwhile for meaningful terms in our (FIBO) ontologies we have had to define more abstract terms, up to the level of 'archetypcai' terms e.g. for commitments, transactions, contracts, places etc.

Mike Bennett: So for example a financial ontology has bonds, shares etc., but these are all actually contracts.

Mike Bennett: We have done some exciting work in aligning terms between the REA ontology and an XBRL view

of the world, using high level partitions and archetypes to show how terms in one may be

described with reference to the other, and the whole provides the atomic building blocks

for concepts we draw upon in financial services.

Mike Bennett: Similarly, we have a need for ontologies in real estate, construction etc. in order to

create new models of Loans.

Peter P. Yim: Michael Grüninger: the "value add" of an Ontology Repositories

Peter P. Yim: coordinating content "federation"

Michael Grüninger: TONES Ontology repository:

anonymous morphed into Shannon Copeland

Peter P. Yim: == Tom Tinsley: intro ... Enterprise architecture as an upper ontology

Terry Longstreth: @Tom - is your otter(?) demo publicly accessible? can you give us a URL?

Tom Tinsley: The OTTER project was presented at KEOD 2011.

The name is derived from Ontology Technology That Executes Real-time.

Peter P. Yim: @Tom - would be great if you can give a talk to the community about it some time,

especially if this is an open project

Peter P. Yim: == Shannon Copeland: intro ... doing a startup in the legal side of things, risk, contract,

... (Shannon met Mike Bennett at SemTech)

Shannon Copeland: my email is scopeland [at]

Bob Smith: Hi Shannon - Ryan Caulker, Esq., of Natl Institute of Building Sciences, has created

a workgroup formalizing risk levels in high performance building projects.

I'm the terminology guy on the subcommittee

Shannon Copeland: Bob, can you share your email as well?

Bob Smith: mine - Bob [at]

Mike Bennett: @BobSmith Is there an ontology for construction concepts which can be considered as canonical?

We need to not reinvent such terms for construction loans and other loan types

(per the MISMO logical / message standards which we are ontologizing).

Mike Bennett: NSF Earth Cube project - is this an ontology project?

Peter P. Yim: Not exactly, it is more like a eScience (for Geo-scientists) + Information Portal project.

There is a fairly strong "Ontology & Smeantics" component to it - see:

Mike Bennett: (ref. PeterYim's discussion on possibilities on collaborating with

Something you should pursue on government data is the NIEM initiative.

Mike Bennett: NIEM is currently logical data but there is an interest within the OMG folks working this,

to consider OWL at some point - I don't have details as I'm not involved, the best person

to speak to is CoryCasanave.

Mike Bennett: Super-domain ontologies and upper ontologies are key to developing interoperable ontologies

in whatever field.

Mike Bennett: I think a lot of commercial consultancies will be interested in pursuing

the combination of big data and ontologies. Linking with statistics is also

a growing area of interest in people we have been speaking to

(and of course in Watson, Google etc.).

Peter P. Yim: "OOR for 'Big Data' session" now scheduled for Tue 2012.08.14

Peter P. Yim: making this an Joint OOR-Ontolog session

Peter P. Yim: Mike Dean will chair and will mull over the content for this session between now and then

Terry Longstreth: With potential follow-up at next onto summit

Peter P. Yim: Michael Grüninger will continue to follow-up with Pat Cassidy and Denise Bedford on driving "content"

Peter P. Yim: Regular monthly OOR team meeting same time next Tuesday 2012.07.03 ... talk to you all then

Peter P. Yim: -- session ended: 9:43am PDT --

-- end of in-session chat-transcript --

4. Action Plans:

  • Mike Bennett will upload what's available in OWL of the FIBO ontology modules to the OOR-sandbox
    • Mike Dean (and KenBaclawski) will provide help where needed
  • Michael Grüninger and Mike Dean will pursue the opportunity for a paper on interaction of (user-defined) ontology modules and ontology repositories
  • quick follow-up on the possibility of making a response to the NSF 'Big Data' solicitation

5. Schedule Next Meeting & Adjourn:

  • need to fix a date for the "OOR for 'Big Data' session" (this was originally scheduled for 2012.06.19, with MikeDean's agreement, the slot for which was later given to the joint SOCoP-OOR spatial ontology - Torsten Hahmann talk.)
    • Mike Dean: confirmed - Tue 2012.08.14 (same OOR time slot)
    • this will be a joint OOR-Ontolog session
  • Call adjourned at: 9:43 am PDT


notes taken by: Peter P. Yim / 2012.06.26-10:05am PDT

All participants, please review and edit to enhance accuracy and granularity of the documented proceedings.


  • the OOR-IPR mini-series:
    • 2010_09_09 - Thursday: Joint OOR-Ontolog-NCBO-CC-IAOA-OASIS Panel Discussion - "IPR issues in Ontology and the OOR" session-1: an exposition on relevant IPR regimes - Keynote speaker: George Strawn - Chair: Peter P. Yim - Panelists: JamieClark, John Wilbanks, Bruce Perens - ConferenceCall_2010_09_09
    • 2010_09_16 - Thursday: Joint OOR-Ontolog-NCBO-CC-IAOA-OASIS Panel Discussion - "IPR issues in Ontology and the OOR" session-2: what are the IPR issues relating to open ontology repositories (and ontologies in general)? - Chair: Mark Musen - Panelists: Cameron Ross, Alan Rector, John F. Sowa, Bruce Perens, John Wilbanks, Peter P. Yim - ConferenceCall_2010_09_16
    • 2010_09_30 - Thursday: Joint OOR-Ontolog-NCBO-CC-IAOA-OASIS Panel Discussion - "IPR issues in Ontology and the OOR" session-3: discussion and consensus on licensing arrangements for the OOR Initiative, and positions we might take on related IPR issues - chair: Leo Obrst - Panelists: Peter P. Yim, Mike Dean, Bruce Perens, JamieClark - ConferenceCall_2010_09_30
  • the Joint IAOA-OOR-Ontolog "Ontologies and Standards" mini-series:
    • 2011_10_20 - Thursday: Joint IAOA-OOR-Ontolog "Ontologies and Standards" mini-series session-1: Introducing the ISO NP 17347 "Ontology Integration and Interoperability (OntoIOp)" Standardization Effort - Co-chairs: John Bateman & Michael Grüninger - ConferenceCall_2011_10_20
    • 2011_11_03 - Thursday: Joint IAOA-OOR-Ontolog "Ontologies and Standards" mini-series session-2: Invited Speaker: Elisa Kendall on "Ontology-Related Metadata Standards" - Co-chairs: Michael Grüninger & John Bateman - ConferenceCall_2011_11_03