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OntologySummit2009: Toward Ontology-based Standards

Homepage for the 2009 Ontology Summit ... This summit initiative is co-organized by NIST, Ontolog, NCOR, NCBO, OASIS, OMG, ISO TC 184/SC4, OAGi, STI International & DERI

What's New

  • Our OntologySummit2009_Communique has been adopted and released ... A huge THANK YOU to everyone who helped put this important document together!
  • 2008_12_18 - Thursday: OntologySummit2009: "Ontologies as the Next Generation of Information Standards" - Communitywide brainstorming and planning session for our next ontology summit in Spring 2009 - ConferenceCall_2008_12_18
  • we are soliciting ideas for this next summit, comprising 3 months of virtual discourse and events, which will culminate into a communique and a 2-day face-to-face workshop - please post your thoughts to the OntologySummit2009/Idea page or to the [ ontology-summit ] mailing list ... (=ppy/2008.12.16)
  • The following dates are already locked-in (please mark your calendars):


Theme: "Toward Ontology-based Standards"

Description, Goals & Objectives

This summit will address the intersection of two active communities, namely the technical standards world, and the community of ontology and semantic technologies. This intersection is long overdue because each has much to offer the other. Ontologies represent the best efforts of the technical community to unambiguously capture the definitions and interrelationships of concepts in a variety of domains. Standards - specifically information standards - are intended to provide unambiguous specifications of information, for the purpose of error-free access and exchange. If the standards community is indeed serious about specifying such information unambiguously to the best of its ability, then the use of ontologies as the vehicle for such specifications is the logical choice.

Conversely, the standards world can provide a large market for the industrial use of ontologies, since ontologies are explicitly focused on the precise representation of information. This will be a boost to worldwide recognition of the utility and power of ontological models.

The goal of this Ontology Summit 2009 is to articulate the power of synergizing these two communities in the form of a communique in which a number of concrete challenges can be laid out. These challenges could serve as a roadmap that will galvanize both communities and bring this promising technical area to the attention of others. Exactly what challenges are chosen is the subject to be debated and decided upon during the electronic discussion period leading up to the face-to-face meeting in April of 2009.

Process & Deliverables

Similar to our last 3 summits, this Ontology Summit will comprise of 3 months of virtual discourse (over our archived mailing lists) and virtual panel sessions (over augmented conference calls), and will culminate in a 2-day face-to-face workshop/symposium to be held in the Spring of 2009 at NIST (Gaithersburg, Maryland, US) during which we will, among other things, distill our thoughts into a collaboratively developed Communiqué (and possibly even a range of follow-up projects and action items.)

The Team

  • Conveners:
    • these are key participants who provided substantive contribution to the OntologySummit2009 initiative through:
      • the online discourse,
      • the research and subsequent synthesis work,
      • authoring/presentation of various relevant positions and perspectives (for this Summit),
      • preparing the drafts of relevant documentation and our Summit "Communique" (which were then collaboratively reviewed and adopted during the face-to-face meetings),
    • participants at the face-to-face meetings (either on-site or remotely), and
    • all members of the organizing committee
    • to these conveners, who made this initiative a reality, we express our deepest appreciation and gratitude.

You are cordially invited to join us!

  • Like all activities Ontolog has been hosting, this is open to everyone.
    • Do join us if you concur with the theme and objective of this endeavor and would like to participate in, or follow the progress of the discourse
  • specific individuals who may be interested include (but not limit to):
    • members of ontology communities
    • members of standards development communities
    • ontology, taxonomy and terminology repository/repository technology developers
    • upper and domain ontology researchers and developers
    • ontology-based application developers and implementors
    • active players in the ontology community
    • potential user organizations
    • potential funders of ontology and ontological engineering work
    • representatives from International Standards Bodies
    • thought leaders and active contributors of the semantic technology community
    • leaders of the semantic web community
    • people in academia, research, industry and the web working on sharing knowledge, semantic interoperability, knowledge representation, artificial intelligence ... who are engaged in the research, development, engineering and implementation of these subject matters
    • ...

Conference Call, Meeting & Workshop

Open / Convener Sessions

  • Pre-launch planning meeting - 2008_12_18 - Thursday: OntologySummit2009: "Ontologies as the Next Generation of Information Standards" - Communitywide brainstorming and planning session for our next ontology summit in Spring 2009 - ConferenceCall_2008_12_18   

Organizing Committee Sessions

Ontology Summit 2009 in the News, Blogosphere & Literature

Additional Resources

This page is maintained by members of the OntologySummit2009 Organizing Committee.